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Wikisphere is a resource for WIKIs enforcing a structured Mediawiki, that is a wiki organized in sub-pages, with a strong emphasis on Semantic data (currently implemented using Semantic-Mediawiki) and PageForm, which allows the creation of wiki pages with semantic data from standard forms according to a specific site structure.

At this purpose Wikisphere offers the following:

  • a rich set of forms, completed with semantic data, which can be freely exported and used on other WIKIs. Usually, we are also happy to help to modelize your data and to solve the technical problems related to that.
  • a set of extensions allowing the assignment of managed pages to specific users, and their moderation; to easily associate metadata to pages, like content language, draft/published status, attribution and SEO properties; to enhance the navigation through sub-pages, and more
  • a Vue.js counterpart where all enabled WIKIs can have their pages distributed and enjoyed through a modern and seamless interface, which includes offline navigation, server-side rendering, dynamic components from Mediawiki components, interactive forms, and more
  • a number of patches proposed to Mediawiki itself, PageForms and other extensions with the aim to better support the management of sub-pages (including for files), or to complete them with additional features that cannot be added through an extension