CIForms survey

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picture a

{{#CI form: title = Survey | {{#CI form section: type = inputs | Your name [] * | Your email [] | Your company [] }} | {{#CI form section: type = inputs | title = How much do you like CIForms ? | type = multiple choice | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | I use it by I don't like it }}

{{#CI form section: type = inputs | title = What feature you would see implemented ? | type = multiple choice | max answers=3 | description in form sections | Something like in picture a | conditional logic }}

{{#CI form section: type = inputs | css-class="ciform-other-section" | title = Other (please explain) | type = input | [textarea] }}

{{#CI form section: type = inputs |title = Do you have other suggestions and/or requirements ? | [textarea=1000] * }}
