CIForms feature request

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{{#CI form: title = Feature request | success message = Thank you ! I'll get back shortly to you with a quote | email-to = | {{#CI form section: type = inputs | Your name [] * | Your email [] * | Your company or institution (if any) [] }} | {{#CI form section: type = multiple choice | title = Requirements | I just need to convert existing forms in the CIForms markup and to configure it | I need a custom solution, requiring PHP and Javascript development }} | {{#CI form section: type = inputs | title = Requirements details or features to be implemented | [textarea] }} | {{#CI form section: type = inputs | title = Deadline | [date] * }}

{{#CI form section: type = inputs | title = Related WIKIs (if already online) | (please enter an url per line) [textarea] }}
