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Revision as of 13:52, 22 October 2022 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Accordion| To whom is addressed ? | To everyone, including companies, NGOs and corporations, who want to organize their information or showcase their contents in a public wiki, at the same keeping a strict control over their pages and contents. |How it works ? | Everyone can register an account on the wiki and starting to create pages. At first, the pages will be accessible and editable only to you. Once an admin verifies and approves the page, you will be granted with...")
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To whom is addressed ?
To everyone, including companies, NGOs and corporations, who want to organize their information or showcase their contents in a public wiki, at the same keeping a strict control over their pages and contents.
How it works ?
Everyone can register an account on the wiki and starting to create pages. At first, the pages will be accessible and editable only to you. Once an admin verifies and approves the page, you will be granted with the complete rights in order to set the visibility of the page to everyone or to assign to it and its subpages other editors.